About Us

Leaving a healthy life has always been a Motto for me!

I have always had these compliments from my family, friends and strangers on my skin, my hair, my smile, my mood, my spirit and my body! I thrive to make sure everything I do today has a lasting positive impact! My people will not hesitate to come to me for advice on life issues but also in regards to those matters! I am an open book, always ready to help! I don’t believe in having a healthy body and not healthy hair or skin, positive mindset, to me you have to understand how your body works to make sure all those are in Great standing! I am not here to judge you but to help and assist you through your life journey! Don’t be afraid or embarrassed to seek help when you need it, the shame is to pretend and being consumed by your pains!

Please, make sure you LIVE YOUR LIFE TO THE FULLEST!

I am Natacha K. Founder and CEO of DSY.ONE. We are here to help you take care of yourself and always thrive to become the best version of yourself! This is a journey we are on, not an overnight/one-time action, so Please buckle up and let’s enjoy the happening magic!

“Knowledge is Power!” that saying will always make sense as knowledge can either make you or it can break you. You decide! I have noticed that a lot of us need help and do not always have the information, the courage, we need to resolve our issues, which is why I decided to put all these good stuff in place to provide quality and gentle products and assistance to everyone in need! Be free to enjoy, make suggestions and provide your feedbacks and needs, we are here for YOU! Always keep that in mind!

Welcome Home Darling!